3M+ used EVs are headed to market. Are your sales channels ready?
Welcome to Kord's EV Remarketer suite of products
Digital tools designed to elevate your EV sales channels.
Predict - Predictive EV Assessment
Predict enhances appraisals with advanced predictive battery health scoring technology
Enhance appraisals
Improve Inventory decisions

Sync - VIN battery test
Sync product unlocks VIN-level battery data boosting buyer confidence with direct EV battery health data on every listing and VHR page.
Rapid battery health test
Increased transparency
Sales competitive advantage
Insights - EV education converting skeptics to buyers
Dispell myths, address common questions and boost buyer confidence.
EV Charge times
Energy cost & carbon impact
Purchase incentives
Intelligent recall and safety
Vehicle Report - One snapshot, easily scannable.
Providing both sellers and buyers with comprehensive insights into the vehicle enhancing transparency and trust.
Vehicle health
Insights and education
Carbon and fueling
Eligible incentives
Let's get started
Give us a shout and let's rev up your EV sales tooling.